Friday, January 1, 2010

Jane Hamsher Nude?

Robert Stacy McCain, Google-bomber extraordinaire, has gotta get a kick out of this one. As indicated by my Sitemeter the other day, apparently folks have been searching for "Jane Hamsher Nude." Interestingly, my blog does well in the search results:

Hate to disappoint my more salacious readers, but nothing fancy here, as the seach simply reveals my December 22 entry, "Jane Hamsher, Netroots' Most Despised Hypocrite, Called Out Again!" That's when "Hammering" Hamsher was herself hammered for appearing on Fox News.

But thinking about it, is Jane attractive? Well, actually, I'd rather be searching for
Penélope Cruz nude, but if some dudes get a chubby fantasizing about hammering Hamsher, more power to 'em.

In any case, Jane continues to make the rounds as a pushy progressive pundit out to kill ObamaCare. See, "
Happy New Year":

I spent my morning on MSNBC talking about right/left opposition to the mandate. What about you? ...

I guess Mark Thompson can dig it.

More on ObamaCare, by that way, at "Mayo Clinic in Arizona to Stop Treating Some Medicare Patients." (Via Memeorandum.)


UPDATE: I'm glad I took the screenshot! Now this post leads the Google seach for "Jane Hamsher Nude"!

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