Thursday, January 14, 2010

Scott Brown Sends Shock Waves Through Democratic Party!

From IBD, "Democratic Party Pouring Cash Into Mass. to Stop GOP Upset":

GOP state Sen. Scott Brown may be able to win Tuesday's special election to fill Ted Kennedy's old seat. Even if he loses, it's clear that his campaign's momentum has sent shock waves through the Democratic Party.

"No one thought this would be closer than a blowout of at least 15 percentage points," said Tobe Berkovitz, professor of advertising at Boston University. Though Berkovitz thinks Democrat Attorney General Martha Coakley will pull it out, he added, "A lot of Democrats won't have much in the way of fingernails left after this."

Rasmussen Reports first gave hope to Brown last week when its survey found Brown trailing Coakley by nine points, 50%-41%. A subsequent Rasmussen poll found Brown narrowing that gap to two points — with Brown leading by two points among people committed to voting.

Could Be Narrowing

The Rothenberg Political Report on Thursday moved the race from "narrow advantage of incumbent party" to "toss-up."

"Democratic desperation and other compelling evidence strongly suggest that Democrats may well lose the late Sen. Edward Kennedy's Senate seat in Tuesday's special election," the Report said.

Brown has capitalized on growing conservative grass-roots support, raising $1.3 million online in a 24-hour period this week.

This has garnered the notice of national Democrats and unions. The Democratic National Committee and the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee each donated $500,000 for ad buys on Coakley's behalf. The Service Employees International Union is spending $685,000 to boost Coakley.

But energy and enthusiasm seem to be with the Brown campaign.

"I volunteered with the campaign over the weekend," said William Jacobson, a Cornell law professor who has been covering the race on his Legal Insurrection blog. "Loads of volunteers, phones ringing, people coming in to ask if they can help — it was bustling with activity."
That's our William!

The video's posted at his entry, "
Brown Hip Checks Coakley On Fenway Insult."

Whoo hoo!

See also, Gateway Pundit, "
MASSACHUSETTS SENATE RACE MOVED FROM “LEAN DEM” TO “TOSS-UP”." And Rothenberg's report is here: "MA Senate moved to Toss-Up" (via Memeorandum).

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