Thursday, January 14, 2010

SUFFOLK POLL: Scott Brown Up By Four in Massachusetts Senate!

William Jacobson has it, "Brown Up 4 In Suffolk Univ. Poll."

The Suffolk poll is at the Boston Herald, "Poll Shocker: Scott Brown Surges Ahead in Senate Race."

The internals are here, "Poll Results Highlighted." Of special note are Martha Coakley's high negatives:

Is your opinion of Martha Coakley generally favorable or unfavorable?

Never heard: 0%

Favorable: 49%

Unfavorable: 41%

Heard of/Undecided: 10%


Is your opinion of Scott Brown generally favorable or unfavorable?

Never heard: 5%

Favorable: 57%

Unfavorable: 19%

Heard of/Undecided: 19%
See also, Big Journalism, "Martha’s Greatest Hits: The Things the Democrats Would Like You to Forget About Candidate Coakley." (Via Memeorandum.)

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