Monday, February 15, 2010

American Stories

I've probably blogged this Amy Bishop story a bit much. Steve M.'s cynical hypocrisy proves it. He cites the despicable Talking Points Memo as "evidence" that Gregory Girard, arrested on weapons charges in Massachusetts last week, is somehow representative of the tea party patriots. William Jacobson, always circumspect in his analysis, argued that politics is irrelevant in the Bishop case, but he adds an additional point:
Had Bishop's politics been within 100 miles of a Tea Party, Talking Points Memo and Little Green Footballs would have been all over the case making the connection. Just like they did with the similarly disturbed Gregory Girard, who never shot anyone but who "stockpiled" weapons.
But of course, for socialist radicals like Steve M., Gregory Girard's the poster boy for teh AWESOME DHS SEC Janet Napolitano's alleged "fanatical" right wing tea party terrorists. Man, those administration lefties are really on the job! Pure brilliance! If you keep arresting enough Greg Girards folks will think the system really works! (Yo, Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab -- you got game!) And don't even get me going about Steve M.'s Malik Nadal denialism. (No sir, for the "No Mo' Mista Nice Brotha", to even cast suspicion on the Fort Hood jihadi as a fanatical Islamist is raaaacist!!!).

But hey, the lefties are really on a roll today! Check out my new BFF Scotty Eric Kaufman's stretch-a-palooza of an excoriation:

Conservatives complain 1) when liberals ask that any brown person with a funny name not be labeled a jihadist until evidence of such is unearthed, and 2) when mainstream news outlets link the murder of prominent abortion doctors to conservative causes. They fail to see the lack of equivalence: liberals don't espouse jihad against the United States, but conservatives do inspire those on their fringes to engage in politically motivated violence. The politics of the George Tiller murder are an indictment against conservative rhetoric because that rhetoric made Tiller a target; whereas the personal politics of Amy Bishop are utterly irrelevant in the absence of a vocal and sustained opposition to the existence of the university and the tenure system among liberals.
Right. Politically motivated violence. Somehow I doubt that's really what's got the goat of these lefties. I mean, there's been absolutlely no outrage -- and I mean NONE -- at such horrendous killings as Fort Hood, and when Abdulmutallab failed to bring down the Detroit-bound airliner, that was evidence that al Qaeda's a "joke," a bunch of "incompetent criminals." Or, ahh ... maybe these attacks weren't "politcally motivated"?

And recall, lefties are getting their jollies attacking me for things I have not said. (I have never hypothesized on Bishop's motives. It's enough fascination at the simple truth of a Harvard leftist in league with some of our worst criminal murderers and jihadi terrorists.) And of course, Steve M.'s reponses are
bonus epic fail.

And while Bishop may not have political or racist motives, it's
Democratic soft-on-crime radicalism that's likely resulted in the deaths of even more ones (e.g., William Delahunt):
Massachusetts in the 1980s was not a bright spot in American criminal justice. Misguided compassion resulted in the infamous Willy Horton case. Delahuunt himself faced questions about his role in another murder by a furloughed prisoner during his first Congressional race in 1996. There was also the witch hunt of he Fells Acre Day Care case, in which innocent people were convicted of child molestation as well as numerable controversies over decisions to parole felons and of course summering under it all the decades long history of the Boston Archdiocese covering up incidents of priests molesting children and adolescents

But justice delayed is not always justice denied. Stories about Martha Coakley's prosecutorial overreach in continuing the unjust treatment of those convicted in Fells Acres as well as her seeming reluctance to prosecute a local policeman accused of a chilling brutal child rape were part of the local background against which the Brown campaign played out.

Whether this 1986 incident is a one of misguided compassion towards a family that had suffered one tragedy and hoped private counseling would suffice with a serious behavior problem or just a crass cover up among members of the local power structure, renewed interest in the case comes at a bad time for the multi term Congressman.
But that's what you get from the same antiwar lefists, inside the administration and out, now claiming credit for victory in Iraq. No wonder Americans hate people like this.

IMAGE CREDIT: John Singleton Copley, Watson and the Shark, 1778, oil on canvas, 71 3/4 x 90 1/2 in. See, LACMA, "American Stories: Paintings of Everyday Life, 1765–1915," February 28–May 23, 2010:
From the colonial period to the present, Americans have been inventing characters and plots, settings and situations to give meaning to our everyday lives. American Stories: Paintings of Everyday Life, 1765-1915 includes seventy-five paintings, from before the Revolution to the start of World War I, that tell these stories in scenes of family life and courting, work and leisure, comic mishaps and disasters. These daily experiences were all subject to the artist’s searching and revealing eye and many of the works on view are famous images known to almost every American. Major artists such as Thomas Eakins and Winslow Homer, John Singleton Copley and George Caleb Bingham, John Singer Sargent and Mary Cassatt, are included in this important survey, the first of its kind in over thirty years.
Winslow Homer's one of my favorites. I expect to attend this exhibition, and will write about it here in a few weeks. That'll be a wonderful respite from the crazed radicals of the nihilist left.

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