Monday, February 15, 2010

Amy Bishop Killed Minorities: Leftists Silent on 'Racist' Rampage; Victims' Families Ask, 'Why Was She Still Teaching?'

I just noticed something about the Amy Bishop case: Her victims were minorities. From left to right at the photo: Dr. Adriel Johnson Sr., Dr. Gopi Podila, and Dr. Maria Davis. The image is from CBS News, "Did Amy Bishop, Accused University of Alabama Shooter, Murder Her Own Brother?"

But I noticed this after watching the clip at ABC's Good Morning America below. And see, "Alabama University Shooting: Suspect Amy Bishop's Violent Past Gets Another Look":
The alleged violent past of the once-seemingly docile University of Alabama professor accused of a fatal shooting rampage has stunned the family of her victims and prompted investigators to probe deeper into her past.

Amy Bishop was a suspect in an attempted mail bombing of a Harvard professor. ABC News has learned that investigators will re-open the 1986 shooting death of professor Amy Bishop's brother. Declared accidental at the time, investigators say they were never comfortable with the ruling.

Investigators also revealed that seven years later, Bishop was the prime suspect in a 1993 mail bombing attempt on a Harvard Medical School professor.

"I just feel angry," LaTasha Davis, step-daughter of shooting victim Maria Davis, told "Good Morning America" today. "How did she even get a job working at the school when she had that type of background?"

This is really something: Not only is Amy Bishop a leftist who killed her brother and got a pass from the politically correct criminal justice system (especially Democratic Congressman and then-Massachusetts DA Bill Delahunt), she's also a suspected pipe bomber who is now accused of premeditated murder of three faculty colleagues who were presiding over her tenure case. But add on top of this the fact that the premeditation included the planned killings of three non-white colleages and this really should be explosive for the radical multiculturalists. They keep looking for "motive" (here) or they suggest that Bishop killed as the "result of growing up in a dysfunctional home" (here), which is a version of the "deranged individual" theory so popular among folks who guffaw at the thought that jihadis might actually wage holy war on the innocents (here). But perish the thought that Bishop's motive could have been racism? Maybe Harvard-trained left-wing professors get a pass on that. Leftists aren't asking, in any case. And there's been a deafening silence of the race of the victims from the Obama-enabling press corps. If the suspected killer of Drs. Johnson, Podila, and Davis had been a fan of Michelle Malkin or Rush Limbaugh, the entire radical netroots would have by now mounted a lynch-mob campaign against the "fanatical right." And that's to say nothing of the Larisa Alexandrovnas and Al Sharptons who'd creep out of their victimology hell-holes to decry the "racist" murders of the diverse faculty members.

But it's a quiet few days on the left. The Amy Bishop case isn't fitting the template for the race-hustling outrage of the moment.
Quincy Man Recalls Amy Bishop Holdup." (Via Memeorandum.) Also blogging, Jules Crittenden and Gateway Pundit.

ADDED: Blazing Cat Fur, "Leftist Racial Killing Spree."

AND MORE: See also the first-hand report from Professor Joseph Ng, a former UC Irvine student, who witnessed the murders. Ng confirms Amy Bishop's premeditation and potentially racist motivations. Ng is a Chinese surname. I'll need more information, but so far one-fourth of those at the tenure meeting were ethnic minorities. I'll update later, but it very well could be that Amy Bishop was disgruntled because "quota hires" were denying her tenure. Perhaps the lady was "white trash" and never quite broke out into the more supposedely refined strata of the faculty elite (or, more likely, they're all like that). Boy, this just keeps getting worse for the radical leftists! See, "Former UCI Student Saw Faculty Shootings":

We were 12 all together (including the shooter) sitting around an oval table in a modest size conference room . There were only one door to enter/exit. The shooter was a disgruntled faculty member who didn’t get tenured after several appeals and a law suit. About 30min into the meeting, she got up suddenly, took out a gun and started shooting at each one of us. She started with the one closest to her and went down the row shooting her targets in the head. Our chairman got it the worst as he was right next to her along with two others who died almost instantly.

That's almost like an assembly line, Che Guevara-ish in fact, or Taliban-ish.

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