Tuesday, February 2, 2010

U.S. Prosecutor Recuses Himself in James O'Keefe Case

At Fox News, "U.S. Attorney Steps Down From O'Keefe Case." (Via Memeorandum.) Also, from the Times-Picayune, "U.S. Attorney Jim Letten Recuses Himself From Landrieu Phone Tampering Case." (Via Patterico.)

Also, James O'Keefe's interview on Hannity, "
The People’s Office."

Meanwhile, Marcy Wheeler keeps it up with the sexualized slanders, "TeaBugger Victimology." And you gotta notice the dishonesty here. For example:

You know, several days ago I was willing to dismiss this as a stupid juvenile prank. But given the increasing concern that the perpetrators are showing–and their increasingly dubious stories–I’m convinced it merits a closer look.
Well, that's obvoiusly not true, eh, Marcy? See, "Leftists Allege Breitbart Behind Landrieu Office Arrests." And it's not a bugging case, either.

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