Sunday, March 28, 2010

Angelina Jolie: Good in Green

Well, she's not my favorite, but Angelina Jolie looks beautiful in this picture, from Vanity Fair, "It's Easy Being Green."

Pictures at the link of Natalie Portman and Hillary Swank as well. I was trolling around VF's site to see if James Wolcott allows comments. He does not, which is no surprise, considering the smears.

In any case, I missed inclusion in Sir Smitty's weekly roundup of beauties, so perhaps some Green Angeline will get me back in good graces. In addition, I need to put a couple of links up for those who've been generous with me, or just plain deserving in any case. Thanks to:

* Astute Bloggers.

* Carolyn Tackett.

* The Daley Gator.

* Doug Ross.

* Gateway Pundit.

* Grandpa John.

* Hall of Record.

* Left Coast Rebel.

* Obi's Sister.

* Panhandle Poet.

* Pundit & Pundette.

* The Rhetorican.

* Snooper Report.

* Wordsmith.

* Yid With Lid.

Drop a comment or an e-mail if you'd like to be included in the next roundup.

BONUS: Don't miss the masters: GSGF and Theo Spark.

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