Sunday, March 28, 2010

The Truth About American Muslims!

Hey, is the administration taking after Christian militias to get in good with CAIR and the neo-communist left? "Daniel" at Attackerman has the headline of the day, "The Sad Truth About American Muslims and Terrorism":
One of the problems with coverage of terrorism and anti-terrorist stings today is that there’s never enough attention given to the Muslim groups that denounce the attacks. When someone of Muslim descent is arrested for terrorism the reporting rarely includes Muslim advocacy groups (which, alas, I fear I need to stress have no link to terrorists and are entirely peaceful and American) that publish press releases denouncing the attacks.

It’s only in situations like the sting today, where the lunatics are gearing up to kill “the anti-christ” who they believe has taken Muslim form (where have we heard that one before?) that the fact that not all Muslims are terrorists gets any attention at all ...
Oh Jesus this guy can't be serious! No link to terrorism! Well blow me down!

Or, no. Wait a second. It's me right? I'm stupid. I don't know
all the Internet traditions! This is a joke, a caricature. Gosh, they almost pulled a fast one on me! Those wily "moderate" Muslim (unindicted co-conspirator) groups have really run a number here, or something, considering their earlier (obviously manufactured) boasts of powerful media influence after our recent totally aberrant attacks seen at places like Fort Hood. ("CAIR boasts of influence on media after Fort Hood: Group treated as voice of Muslims despite fresh evidence of terror ties.")

Yeah, that must be it, but just case, see "
Despite Record Levels of Islamic Terror in U.S., FBI raids Christian Groups." And, "Amidst record levels of Islamic terrorism in U.S., FBI raids Christian militia groups."

Also, at Detroit News, "Seven arrested in FBI raids linked to Christian militia group." (Via Memeorandum.)

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