Saturday, March 27, 2010

Re: James Wolcott: 'I Don't Think the Tea Parties Are Going to Catch Fire'...


I can't even call this a badge of honor. This guy James Wolcott's just too damned stupid (Google link


Who is James Wolcott? Apart from being a wannabe intellectual with a sinecure at perhaps the East Coast's most liberal society magazine, he's one who probably shouldn't be commenting on politics. YOU. JUST. CAN'T. BE. MORE. TOTALLY. F**KING. WRONG.

Indeed, this is someone
who should just STFU:

What a clown.

I'll have more on both of these jokers, SEK and Wolcott, but a word or two on the latter's cluelessness on the tea parties: The movement's become the dominant grassroots phenomonon of early 21st century. The White House is scared to death of them, and Wolcott's beloved Soros media-machine can't touch 'em. Recall that Media Matters, to discredit the event, claimed that last year's 9/12 tea party march on Washington reached "just" 70,000 activists. Of course, Charlie Martin's rigorously objective crowd estimate concluded that "
probably well more than 850,000" were in the crowd.

And just today - roughly a year after Wolcott's lame bloviations above - thousands turned out for the Searchlight tea party, where Sarah Palin gave a barnburner. See Las Vegas Now, "
Thousands Gather in Searchlight for Tea Party Rally," and Fox News, "Tea Party Targets Reid, Health Care Law in 'Showdown in Searchlight'."

And in my in-box, from
Tea Party Express:

Crowd Estimates Range from 9,000 - 30,000 People for "Showdown in Searchlight"

Crowd estimates from 9,000 - 30,000+ people for today's Tea Party Express "Showdown in Searchlight" event featuring Governor Palin.

Members of the press corps estimated the crowd size between 9,000 - 14,000 but the security and crowd control firm working the event estimated 30,000+.

Lots of Searchlight pictures at Nice Deb.

I'll have more tomorrow.

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