Saturday, March 27, 2010

Hate-o-Crat Eliminationism: Leftists Move to 'Get Rid of Republicans Entirely'

Yesterday on MSNBC, Representative Alan Grayson alleged that all Republicans have left is "fear and hatred." He then goes on to call for the total elimination the GOP, and not just in November: "We have to put end to the style of politics, and that means getting rid of Republicans entirely."

Talk about fanning the flames. Check out Radio Equalizer, "Lib Talker Malloy Calls for Deaths of Limbaugh, Beck and O'Reilly" (via Memeorandum):

And from Bob Parks, "Let's Compare Hate":

... here are just a few samples of violence committed over the recent years by those tolerant, compassionate progressives ...

18 February 2010

Official: Plane crash pilot left anti-IRS Web note
Originally media-speculated as a Tea Party activist, Joseph Stack was a registered Democrat

4 September 2009

ELF Claims Responsibility For Radio Tower Sabotage

4 September 2008, World Socialist
Mass arrests of protesters at Republican National Convention

2 September 2008, Daily Mail, UK
250 arrested as Republican Convention protest descends into violence

2 September 2008, MPR News, Minneapolis
Authorities say splinter groups caused most of protest violence

28 August 2008, Guardian, UK

US election: Hundreds of anti-war demonstrators march on the Democratic convention hall

24 January 2008, Denver News
Anarchists Stalk Democratic Convention

11 September 2006, BBC
Bush assassination film defended

8 October 2005, Seattle, WA
Veteran’s Home Vandalized

4 September 2005, Louisiana

Democrat Senator Threatens Violence Against Bush
Mary Landrieu: I’ll Punch Bush, ‘Literally’

1 September 2005, National
Leftist Radio Host Encourages Looting

25 April 2005, National
Leftist Radio Threatens to Assassinate Bush

1 April 2005
Violent leftist/Democrat physically assaults conservative Pat Buchanan at Western Michigan University

17 February 2005, Portland, OR
Former Pentagon Adviser Assaulted at University
Protester throws shoe at Richard Perle

24 January 2005, Milwaukee, WI
Five Democrats Charged with Election-Day Tire Slashing

5 charged in GOP tire slashings

30 November 2004
Entire run of the November issue of the Yale Free Press, a conservative student publication, was stolen over the Thanksgiving break
Editors say Yale Free Press stolen

8 November 2004, San Francisco, CA
Muslim/Democrat Mob Attacks College Republicans

30 October 2004, Durango, CO

Liberal Professor Assaults Conservative Student

22 October 2004, Tuscon, AZ
Conservative Commentator Assaulted at University

5 October 2004, Orlando, FL
Democrat Mob Storms GOP HQ, Injures Staffers
Protesters Ransack Bush/Cheney Headquarters In Orlando

October 2004, National:

A Pattern of Leftist Hatred

17 September 2004, Huntington, WV:
3-Year-Old Girl Attacked by Democrat Thugs
Democrats accused of ripping Bush signs

20 March 2003, Madison, WI:
Republican Headquarters Vandalized
GOP headquarters in Madison hit with bricks, paint bombs

11 March 2003, Los Angeles, CA
Peaceniks Destroy 9-11 Memorial

1 March 2002
Liberals steal entire press run of a monthly conservative publication at the University of California-Berkeley and harass and intimidate its staff

October 1999
Liberals at California State University at Sacramento stole 3,000 copies of the student newspaper.
They were enraged because the paper, The State Hornet, had published the picture of a Hispanic man being arrested and charged with resisting arrest at a football game.

13 February 1996

Liberals steal press run of conservative newspaper Carolina Review in an effort to preserve victory for their liberal candidate

Liberals vandalize offices of The Collegian at the University of Massachusetts

Timeline of Earth Liberation Front actions
Including break-ins, arson, use of pipe bombs, tree spiking, equipment sabotage, willful destruction of property, among other crimes.

And this is just a sample ...

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