Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Ann Coulter Cancelled by University of Ottawa!

Blazing Cat Fur tipped me to this story, at the Ottawa Citizen, "Coulter's Ottawa Speech Cancelled Over 'Public Safety' Fears":

Protesters against Ann Coulter outside Marion Hall after they managed to have the planned speech at the University of Ottawa canceled due to security concerns. (Photo Credit: Ottawa Citizen).


Concerns for "public safety" forced the cancellation of American conservative commentator Ann Coulter's speaking engagement at the University of Ottawa Tuesday night.

Several hundred people, including students from both Carleton University and the University of Ottawa, showed up prior to Coulter's speech. The loudest and most vociferous were protesting her presence, drowning out a smaller group of pro-Coulter demonstrators.

Ottawa police had more than nine squad cars at the scene, at the university's Marion Hall. But the event was cancelled about 8:15 p.m. — before Coulter had a chance to speak ...

And BCF quips, "Funny how it's always the 'anti-racists' who are the Nazis, odd they never turned up to protest the University of Ottawa's Whack-A-Jew-Week festivities.

And just look at that crowd: Keffiyehs? Not much different from the folks we get down here in L.A.

Added: From Kathy Shaidle, "Disgrace: U of Ottawa Thugs Force Cancellation of Ann Coulter Speech Tonight":
Another thoroughly biased article from the Ottawa Sun, painting it as Coulter's fault. "Security concerns"? Er, well, my friends on the scene report pulled fire alarms, "anti-racist" thugs throwing tables. How's about "assholes" rather than "security concerns."
Plus, BCF points us to the Facebook page of one of the thugs, Fatima Al Dhaher. No nuance there:

More, "Francois Houle Brings Kristalnacht to the U of Ottawa."

Added: SWAC Girl links, "Party of Tolerance" Cancels Ann Coulter Speech." And check Jay Currie while you're at it, "M. Houle Gets His Wish - Lefty Freikorps Silence Anne Coulter."

Plus, Gateway Pundit links, "Leftists Prevent Ann Coulter From Speaking at University of Ottawa.

Also, check the Coulter's response, " ‘It’s always the bush league schools,’ Coulter contends," and the thread at Memeorandum.

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