Saturday, March 27, 2010

Democrat Thugs Attack Tea Party Express at Nugget Casino in Searchlight!

In my in-box from Tea Party Express and at Gateway Pundit:

Harry Reid Supporters Egg Tea Party Express Buses in Route

Supporters of Senator Harry Reid have just thrown eggs at the Tea Party Express bus caravan - striking at least one of the three buses (the red Tea Party Express bus) with multiple eggs.

About 35 Reid supporters had lined Highway 95 in front of the Nugget Casino in Searchlight where they were attempting a counter-demonstration the tens of thousands of tea party supporters who are gathering for the "Showdown in Searchlight."

More details to follow...

Added: There's now a Tea Party Express thread at Memeorandum.

Also, Founding Bloggers reports that Andrew Breitbart was attacked as well, "Harry Reid Supporters Threaten Violence Against Breitbart at Tea Party Protest."

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