Sunday, May 2, 2010

'Destroy the Destroyers': Santa Cruz May Day Riot!

Gateway Pundit has the report, "VIOLENT LEFTISTS WIELDING TORCHES Riot, Smash Windows & Burn a Coffee House After Immigration Protest… Media Silent." Also, San Jose Mercury News, "Riot breaks out in downtown Santa Cruz; windows broken on dozens of businesses, porch of cafe set on fire" (via Memeorandum):
The violence was initiated from a group holding a rally at the town clock for May Day. Windows at Jamba Juice and Velvet Underground were left shattered and graffiti including anarchy signs were tagged onto buildings.
Yep. And some of that graffiti ...
"Brick by brick we will bring it down"; 'Destruction is the New Pink"; “Destroy the Destroyers" and others.
Got that? This is exactly what these folks are looking for: anarchy and violence, property destruction and looting. Classic leftists. Lots of photos at this radical blog.

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