Saturday, May 15, 2010

Mark Levine, Radical Pro-Islamist History Professor at UC Irvine, Calls David Horowitz a 'Liar' on Sean Hannity's

Here's a follow-up to David Horowitz's recent confrontation with a genocidal MSA activist at UC San Diego. Horowitz appeared on Sean Hannity's last night to dicuss the episode. Also appearing was Mark Levine, Professor of Modern Middle Eastern History, Culture and Islamic Studies in the Department of History at UC Irvine.

Watch the clip. At about 5:00 minutes Horowitz questions Levine's defense of UC San Diego student Jumanah Imad Albahri (who refused to condemn Hamas during her exchange with Horowitz). Horowitz dismisses Levine as a "supporter of the Muslim Students Association," and Levine erupts furiously, calling Horowitz a "liar" and demanding that he "prove that I support them."

Well, if anyone's lying it's Levine. The fact is, Levine's been one of the biggest, most prominent supporters of UCI's MSA, which is considered the most radical Islamist campus cell in the nation. After MSA disrupted Ambassador Michael Oren's speech at UCI in February, Levine published a defense of MSA at the Los Angeles Times, "Unfairly Throwing the Book at the 'Irvine 11'." A longer version of Levine's defense is at the History News Network, "Shouting Down the Israeli Ambassador: Boneheaded? Perhaps... Illegal? Not So Fast."

And Jewlicious has an in-depth report of Professor Levine's support for MSA, "
UC Irvine Developments, including a hint of hideous speech from a UC Irvine Professor." And see NewsReal, "Plastic Surgery for the Muslim Brotherhood: Can Mark LeVine Hide the Wrinkle?" That essay links to Levine's piece from January this year, "We Need More Radical Muslims," where he notes:
My radical friends and colleagues are routinely oppressed by their governments, attacked by conservatives, obstructed by the United States and ignored by the media and peace groups who should be highlighting their activities and struggles. This suggests they’re doing something right, and that we should be doing more to help them. Of course, that would be pretty radical; but how else to achieve the radical transformation that is necessary to bring peace and democracy to the Middle East, not to mention to America?
Plus, in October 2008, Professor Levine organized a lecture at UCI featuring the Muslim Brotherhood's Ibrahim El Houdaiby. The event program is here, "'Religion and Democracy in the Middle East: A New Generation of the Muslim Brotherhood Takes the Stage', with Ibrahim El Houdaiby, leading young member of the Muslim Brotherhood, Cairo."

And the announcement includes the contact information at bottom: "This event is free and open to the public. For further information, please contact Mark LeVine, 949.824.8304."

According to El Houdaiby's entry at
Discover the Networks:
Al-Houdaiby's views are supported by UC Irvine (UCI) professor Mark LeVine, who, along with UCI's History Department and its Center for Research on International and Global Studies, invited al-Houdaiby to be a special guest speaker at an October 2008 campus event.
And the university's El Houdaiby event was co-sponsored by UCI's Middle East Studies Student Initiative (MESSI).

And of course, UCI's Muslim Students Association homepage lists MESSI as one of the co-sponsors of Israeli Apartheid Week. See, "
Israeli Apartheid Week: A Call to Boycott, Divest, and Sanction Israel – May 10th – May 13st, 2010."

Co-Sponsored By:

Asian Pacific Students Association (APSA), Black Student Union (BSU), Indian Subcontinental Club (ISC), Kababayan, Middle East Studies Student Initiative (MESSI), Movimiento Estudiantil Chicano de Aztlán (MEChA), Pakistani Student Association (PSA), the Radical Student Union (RSU), Society of Arab Students (SAS), Worker-Student Alliance (WSA).


So, despite Professor Levine's denials to the contrary, it's clear he's not only a supporter of UCI's Muslim Students Association, but that he has in fact a longstanding history of working with MSA-allied organizations in sponsoring events and lectures featuring some of the world's most well-known Islamist radicals.

As Horowitz himself might say, "case closed."

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