Saturday, May 8, 2010

Ron Gochez, Anti-Semitic Social Justice Teacher and Reconquista Activist, Connects With Underage Student Hotties on MySpace

There's a little buzz tonight surrounding a three year-old protest video featuring Los Angeles revolutionary/reconquista activist Ron Gochez -- who's listed as a Social Studies Teacher in the School of Public Service and Social Justice at Los Angeles' Santee High School.

Here's this from
Gochez's speech at UCLA in 2007:
We are revolutionary Mexican organization here. We understand that this is not just about Mexico. It’s about a global struggle against imperialism and capitalism… At the forefront of this revolutionary movement is La Raza. We will no longer fall for these lies called borders. We see America as a northern front of a revolutionary movement… Our enemy is capitalism and imperialism.
Well, we find more on Ron Gochez with a little digging. For one thing the guy's a rabid anti-Semite. In 2002, he published a Letter to the Editor, at SDSU's Daily Aztec, entitled "The Jewish-owned media continue to blind the masses with propaganda to keep them in fear." The letter's been taken down, but not the responses to it. For example, here's Tevia Schriebman, Jewish Student Union President:
I am writing in response to Ron Gochez's letter to the editor. His empty words are filled with racist remarks and lies. As the President of the Jewish Student Union at SDSU, I take personal offense at his comments and beliefs that "Jewish-owned media continues to blind the masses with propaganda to keep them in fear." This lie is the language of hate speech perpetuated by anti-Semitic groups such as the Ku Klux Klan.
And check the link. Schriebman's not alone in denouncing Gochez's racist bigotry.

And it's not as if Ron Gochez's anti-Jewish diatribes were a matter of youthful indiscretion. He's cited as the lead organizer and contact person for an event in January 2009, "
Raza in Solidarity with Palestine - Saturday, January 17th, 6:00 PM to 8:00 PM - At Centro Cultural Francisco Villa - 2100 Maple Ave. LA - END the OCCUPATION NOW!":


Plus, Gochez is cited at the Workers World Party website, "ONE MILLION ON MAY DAY DEMAND: Stop Arizona Apartheid Law":
The Southern California Immigration Coalition contingent, wearing red shirts and carrying red, Mexican and Honduran flags and flags from other Latin American countries, represented one of the largest groups in the united protest. SCIC includes over 40 organizations; some of the major ones are Union del Barrio, BAYAN-USA, Service Employees Local 721 Latino Caucus, Latino Congresso and the International Action Center/Bail Out the People Movement.

Two of the rally emcees were Ron Gochez of Union del Barrio and Celina Benitez of the Committee in Solidarity with the People of El Salvador. Both are steering committee members of SCIC. They made comments and led chants that made it clear that any legislation calling for criminalization was not acceptable.
The Southern California Immigration Coalition webpage is here, and Unión del Barrio is here.

And that's far from all the bad news about Ron Gochez. It turns out that "Mr. Gochez" is an unmarried 28 year-old Don Juan who keeps
a spicy-hot MySpace page boasting a pictorial spread featuring some busty underage Latinas. According to "Mr. Gochez's" profile:
Mr. Gochez AKA Little Crow (Santee Tribe Leader!)'s Blurbs

About me:

I'm a teacher at South Central LA High! I LOVE MY JOB! Teaching our young people is a beautiful thing! I wouldn't do anything else! I want to give the youth of South Central the best education that people like my parents NEVER had the opportunity to receive. I graduated from San Diego State and then I got my masters at UCLA. I love to travel, read, work out, watch movies, watch RAIDER FOOTBALL!! VIVA LA RAZA!!

Who I'd like to meet:
And who would he like to meet? Well, check out these bursting screencaps below, featuring some provocative pics from some of his tribe's underage hotties:



The page is dated Oct 19 2009 1:51 PM, and features this Mexican flag and rallying cry: "Mexican Pride!"


This guy's all over the web.

Turns out he made a conference presentation at "
“THE STRUGGLE FOR SOCIAL JUSTICE IN EDUCATION” - 2nd Annual Assoc. of Raza Educators Conference." Gochez's presentation? No surprise here: "How to be a teacher AND an Organizer: Putting Revolutionary Theory into Practice!":

Ron Góchez, M.Ed., LAUSD, Association of Raza Educators, Los Angeles

Come and learn how to organize! Ever feel like you wanted to organize something but didn’t know how? Come learn some basic/practical tactics that you can use to advance Social Justice both inside and outside of your classroom! As A.R.E we believe that being a Social Justice educator means being able to organize students, parents and fellow teachers! Come learn how from teachers who have led successful struggles in South Central LA.


Of course, barely half of the Hispanic student population at Santee High School is proficient in English and math, and it's no wonder when you've got extremist social justice educators doing everything except actually teaching kids the basics.

And that, in a nutshell, is the crisis of American education!

Chicks on the Right have the contact information for the L.A. Unified School District and Board of Education. If anyone deserves to be fired, this guy is it.

Added: From Doug Ross, "Your Tax Dollars At Work: 'Professor' Rallies Students for an Armed Revolt Against 'Occupied Mexico', eh, I mean the United States of America":

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