Friday, May 14, 2010

UCI Muslim Student Union's 'Israeli Apartheid Week'

MSM coverage at O.C. Register, "Speaker denounces Zionism in UCI protest."

Videos below via Pamela Geller, "'You Jews!' 'You're the New Nazis!'- Malik Ali at UC Irvine," and Gary Fouse, "Day 4 of Hate Week at UC-Irvine":
I am very disappointed that Chancellor Michael Drake did not come out --- especially today --- and see and hear for himself what is going on on his campus especially in light of all the controversy that has given his university a very negative reputation when it comes to this issue. I would have hoped that Law School Dean Erwin Chemerinsky, who continues to deny anti-Semitism at UCI, would have come out and listened to Ali. Ditto for Vice Chancellor Manuel Gomez-wherever he was.

More coverage at Gary's blog.

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