Sunday, June 6, 2010

'Phoenix Rising' for SB 1070 at Arizona State Capitol

In blazing heat of 105 degrees, about 1000 supporters from around the country turned out today in support of Arizona's SB 1070 at the Wesley Bolin Plaza in downtown Phoenix. Check ABC News, "Hundreds Rally in Phoenix Heat to Support Arizona's New Illegal Immigration Law," the Arizona Republic, "Arizona Immigration Law Supporters Gather for Rally,"and the Orange County Register, "O.C. Activists Re-Energized at Pro-Arizona Rally." (The MSM coverage is pretty bland, although not particularly hostile to SB 1070 backers, surprisingly.)

In any case, it's not something I've seen at Southern California tea parties --- young ladies taking advantage of the state's open-carry legislation:


Another change of pace was the long discussion I had with Glenn Spencer, founder of American Border Patrol. More on that below --- the highlight of the day for me:


That's not to discount another round of some of awesome protest signs:



But the counter-protester on horseback didn't go over too well with the Phoenix Rising patriots:


Okay, here's the chronological run-down of events:La Shawn Barber posted the Phoenix Rising information earlier in the week. This was an afternoon event, so I started out from Orange County at about 7:00am. With no traffic delays at all, it was an easy drive to Phoenix. Here's the scene at around 1:00pm, as I made my way from the parking lot over to the Wesley Bolin park. I said hello to this gentleman on the corner:


And actually this guy, Antonio, across the way, was friendlier. I play dumb when I talk to SB 1070 opponents. That way they'll open up with me. Antonio denounced the law's alleged potential for racial profiling --- and he had some strong words for Sheriff Arpaio:


Unlike last weekend, when tens of thousands of reconquistadors descended on the Capitol, I was able to stroll around a bit and enjoy:



I think conservatives have had it with the pathetic "racist" attacks on SB 1070. This was a central theme of the day:


Boycott San Diego (and don't forget L.A. while you're at it):


Folks got it made in the shade with SB 1070:


Unhappiness with I.C.E:


And expectations for the rule of law:


A mixed message, but folks are saying Mexico's tougher on illegal immigrants than we are:


Bikers made a big entry lap around the plaza, but not sure if this guy was with the Texas group:


A nice guy, in any case:


Mainstream press outlets said illegals were "unauthorized migrants" last week. Folks are tired of the media's dishonest language:


More stress on the law:


"Arizona: The New Leader of the Free World!" Obviously, or I wouldn't be spending so much time over here, LOL!


It was getting close to 3:00pm now. But I was uncharacteristically uncomfortable. I normally can handle high heat pretty well, but at 105 degrees I didn't feel so much like listening to speeches (even Tom Tancredo's). I hung out at Glenn Spencer's booth. He spent time explaining his operations to a number of interested people:


He was all hooked up with an Internet connection, using his website to explain the facts on the ground and to argue that the federal government's practicing "non-enforcement enforcement." He said the administration's call for 1200 additional National Guardsmen for Arizona is purely for consumption. They won't actually apprehend border-crossers, according to Spencer. They'll most likely be deployed deep inland, away from the border, doing "administrative" backup (which means nothing in practice). Look closely at the bottom of the first entry at the page and click "Watch Open Border Arizona," the brief movie he's produced. Spencer's been on television quite a bit, although no doubt the media only rarely gives the public the full, brutal reality:

Spencer's ranch is right on the border at the Tuscon sector. He told me he's the world's foremost expert on the U.S. border with Mexico, but with the exception of the periodic MSM report, most in the media don't want to touch his stuff. Iindeed, he's invited the media to his ranch for tours, but he rarely hears back from them again after they visit. The Southern Poverty Law Center has labeled Spencer a "hate group," which is odd, since he runs a completely independent operation! Spencer dismisses faux civil rights organizations like SPLC. "A racist is a person who's winning an argument with a liberal," he jokes. (For more, see Robert Locke, "Lies About the Immigration Reform Movement.")

He seemed like a perfectly reasonable guy to me. Friendly even:


This is Cynthia Kyle with the Texas riders, also inteviewed by NBC12 at the link.


Can't be more clear on this one:


Some wanted to beat the heat at Arizona's Salt River. But commitment to SB 1070 took precedence:


When I got back over to the rally Sheriff Joe Arpaio was finishing up. He's always fun to watch. And I'd love to see some leftist label this first picture a Nazi salute. Arpaio gets animated when he talks:



I took a break for water. This guy posed on the way back


CNN's Casey Wian was demonstrably bothered by the heat:


You can see how much stress the heat is causing everyone:


Wian's piece is here: "Immigration law supporters rally in Arizona." I don't see any video. The guy below was stylin' with his orange sign:


People really did come from across the country:


Although I'm not sure where this guy came from. Saw him ride up and then rile up some of the SB 1070 supporters:



Nice flags, in any case:


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