Thursday, June 10, 2010

Tea Party Burnout?

My good friend Dana Loesch argues that there's a bit of fatigue among the tea party patriots. She notes that it's likely an ebb before the surge of November, but for the most part rank-and-file activists have taken time from the careers and families, for well over a year, to mobilize against the Democratic-progressive machine. That does take a toll. I feel it myself.

Still, I'm betting we'll see some pretty big tea party action for the July 4th holiday, as Independence Day falls on a Sunday this year and folks will have some time to get out and protest. Plus, as we've seen in Arizona, immigration has become another big mobilizing issue that's gotten thousands of people out to local events. I'll continue to provide on-the-ground coverage. The tea parties are maturing into a long-term movement, and Dana's right for grassroots activists to resist efforts at cooptation by opportunists. Not all tea party backed candidates won on Tuesday, but the push for limited government (and the pushback against the Obama-progressive-Corruptocrats) is well established by now. And keep your eyes on Nevada especially. If Sharon Angle knocks off Harry Reid in November, it'd be hard to find a more convincing tea party trophy victory. See, "Nevada Challenger Lifted by Tea Party Ardor."

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