Monday, June 14, 2010

UC Irvine Suspends Muslim Student Union for Disrupting Speech by Israel Ambassador Michael Oren

At Instapundit, " UC Irvine suspends Muslim student group for disrupting Israeli ambassador’s talk," and at LAT, "UC Irvine wants Muslim student group suspended":

The Muslim Student Union at UC Irvine should be suspended for one year for its involvement in repeated disruptions of a February speech by Israeli Ambassador Michael Oren, according to a disciplinary report released by the university.

The Muslim Student Union has appealed the recommendation.

The speech about U.S.-Israeli relations was interrupted 10 times by students who got up and yelled out things like, "Michael Oren, propagating murder is not an expression of free speech."
And be sure to read the UCI administration's May 27th letter to the Muslim Student Union.

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