Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Anti-Semitism at UC Santa Cruz



SantaCruz.com (via Instapundit). The U.S. Department of Education is looking into it:
The investigation comes in the wake of a 2009 complaint by lecturer Tammi Rossman-Benjamin. Rossman-Benjamin, who teaches Hebrew on campus, has also published a paper titled “Anti-Zionism and the Abuse of Academic Freedom: A Case Study at the University of California, Santa Cruz.” According to her, no other group on campus has been subjected to “such hostile and demonizing criticism” as Jewish students.
And from that paper, published at the Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs:
Over the past several years, faculty members at the University of California, Santa Cruz (UCSC) have injected anti-Zionist rhetoric into their courses and departmentally-sponsored events. For example, a community-studies class designed to train social activists was taught by an instructor who described herself in her online syllabus as an activist with the "campaign against the Apartheid Wall being built in Palestine," and whose recommended readings included such unreferenced statements as: "Israeli massacres are often accompanied by sexual assault, particularly of pregnant women as a symbolic way of uprooting the children from the mother, or the Palestinian from the land."

The previous summer, the same lecturer taught a community-studies course on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, in which she used the class email list to encourage students to participate in a demonstration against Israel's "destructive actions" in Lebanon and Gaza outside the Israeli consulate in San Francisco. UCSC students also report that some professors insert into class lectures anti-Israel or anti-Zionist materials unrelated to the course, as when a full class period in a course on women's health activism was devoted to a lecture on the allegedly ruthless treatment of Palestinians by Israeli soldiers.

At the departmental level, since 2001 more than a dozen events dealing with the Israeli-Palestinian conflict have been sponsored by a number of UCSC departments and research centers, and all of these have been biased against Israel.
Nope. No anti-Semitism here. Nothing to see. Move along.

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