Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Baby Hadas Fogel Beheaded! — Palestinians and Progressive Terror-Enablers Deny Responsibility for the Attack!!

The depths of evil just got deeper.

Claire Berlinski reports, "
Writing in Cold Blood About Itamar" (via Pundit & Pundette):

We went yesterday to Itamar, the West Bank settlement where Udi and Ruth Fogel, and their children--Yoav, age 11, Elad, age 4, and Hadas, their 3-month-old daughter--were murdered. A detail that wasn't widely reported, or reported anywhere that I've seen, is that their newborn baby was decapitated.
And see Aaron Worthing's post, "The Hate That Killed Hadas Fogel":
It is fashionable in some circles to excuse Palestinian terrorism as being motivated by injustice ... The murder of babies gives lie to the claim that Palestinian terror is motivated in their violence by anything but jew hate, pure, simple and ugly.

See also Bret Stephens, "
Are Israeli Settlers Human?":
Unquestionably pleased are residents of the Palestinian town of Rafah in the Gaza Strip, who "hit the streets Saturday to celebrate the terror attack" and "handed out candy and sweets," according to the Israeli newspaper Yedioth Ahronoth. The paper quoted one Rafah resident saying the massacre was "a natural response to the harm settlers inflict on the Palestinian residents in the West Bank." Just what kind of society thinks it's "natural" to slit the throats of children in their beds?

The answer: The same society that has named summer camps, soccer tournaments and a public square in Ramallah after Dalal Mughrabi, a Palestinian woman who in March 1978 killed an American photographer and hijacked a pair of Israeli buses, leading to the slaughter of 37 Israeli civilians, 13 children among them.

I have a feeling that years from now Palestinians will look back and wonder: How did we allow ourselves to become that? If and when that happens—though not until that happens—Palestinians and Israelis will at long last be able to live alongside each other in genuine peace and security.

But I also wonder whether a similar question will ever occur to the Palestinian movement's legion of fellow travelers in the West. To wit, how did they become so infatuated with a cause that they were willing to ignore its crimes—or, if not quite ignore them, treat them as no more than a function of the supposedly infinitely greater crime of Israeli occupation?

That's an important question because it forms part of the same pattern in which significant segments of Western opinion cheered Ho Chi Minh and Fidel Castro and Robert Mugabe and even Pol Pot. The cheering lasted just as long as was required to see the cause through to some iconic moment of triumph, and then it was on to the next struggle. It was left to others to pick up the pieces or take to the boats or die choking in their own blood.

Western progressives cheer socialist butchers and give pass to the most heinous totalitarian crimes imaginable. These are crimes against humanity. So objectively bad, in fact, that Palestinians and their progressive pro-terror enablers have launched a campaign of denial, declaiming any Palestinian responsibility for the attack. See Jerusalem Post, "
PA-linked sites: 'Foreign worker behind Itamar killings'." See also Jew-hating Max Blumenthal and the communist-backed Mondoweiss:
Everyone is rushing to condemn the gruesome murder of a family in the illegal Israeli settlement of Itamar. Even President Barack Obama felt compelled to offer his “unequivocal condemnation” of the murders. For what it’s worth (very little), I offer my own denunciation of the killings. Murdering kids can not be justified on any human level. However, even if the motives of the killer seem obvious to everyone, journalists covering the incident must be reminded there is no hard evidence that a Palestinian terrorist committed the crime. No viable armed faction has taken credit, and Israeli police are even treating Thai workers as suspects.

Itamar is heavily guarded, surrounded by an electrified fence, and monitored 24/7 by a sophisticated system of video surveillance. Yet there is no video of the killer. Like it or not, until the identity of the killer is confirmed, the murder can only be described by journalists as an “alleged terror attack.” Legitimate outrage is no excuse to flout the basics of journalism 101.
Pro-terrorist Max Blumenthal conveniently neglects to mention that Fatah's militant wing claimed responsibility for the attack: "Fatah’s Al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigades Claims Responsibility for Terror Attack on Israeli Family…" And rival Palestinian terrorists Hamas issued a celebratory approval of the killings: "Hamas Praises Savage Attack on Jewish Settlers in Arabic, Denies Responsibility in English." Now there's massive backtracking and repudiation of responsibility, but to any honest, decent thinking person there's no question about what happened. The horror is only magnified by the silence of the world community, as Mark Steyn notes at his essay, "Dead Jews Is No News." And see also Caroline Glick, "Three Jewish Children":
The enlightened peoples of Europe, and growing numbers of Americans, have no interest in hearing or seeing anything that depicts Jews as good people, or even just as regular people. It is not that the cultured, intellectual A-listers in Europe and America share the Palestinians’ genocidal hatred of the Jewish people.

The powerful newspaper editors, television commentators, playwrights, fashion designers, filmmakers and professors don’t spend time thinking about how to prepare the next slaughter. They don’t teach their children from the time they are Hadas and Elad Fogel’s ages that they should strive to become mass murderers. They would never dream of doing these things. They know there is a division of labor in contemporary anti-Semitism.

The job of the intellectual luminaries in Western high society today is to hate Jews the old-fashioned way, the way their greatgrandparents hated Jews back in the days of the early 20th century before that villain Adolf Hitler gave Jewhating a bad name.
And I'm still waiting for the activist left's denunciation of the murders. We've had faux-denunciations and febrile hand-wringing. But as I've pointed out previously, it's been mostly silence on the left. Why speak up when mass murders help your cause?

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