Saturday, March 12, 2011

Pamela Geller and Robert Spencer on Fox Business 'Follow the Money'

Robert Spencer, at the initial segment, is just on!

And Pamela

You'll enjoy this. Robert Spencer and I were on Eric Bolling's show on Fox Business. This is the first time we have appeared together on the same show. Very cool. Un-indicted co-conspirator, Hamas-linked CAIR joined also and "debated" Spencer, if you can call lies, deceit and ad hominem attacks a "debate" ...

Today's CAIR spokesperson was a doozy. Going by the name "Christina Abraham" (got that? looks like she's got the Christians and the Jews covered with that name), an uncovered Western-looking woman unleashed her fury on Robert. Apparently she is a devout Muslim, because in undercover footage of her urging Muslims not to cooperate with law enforcement, she is in full Muslim garb. Muhammad said, "war is deceit." Indeed. Watch the video -- there is nothing she doesn't twist or lie about ...
More lies. Why am I not surprised? And hey, is that Thers I hear chirping somewhere?

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