Saturday, March 12, 2011

Progressive Politics After Wisconsin's Budget Showdown

At Milwaukee's Journal Sentinel, "Walker signs bill removing most bargaining rights from public unions."

Interestingly, sleaze-blogger E.D. Kain went way out on a limb to suggest the budget finale was the "
real Republican Waterloo." Kain's views are about as stable as a weather vane, and there's even less to recommend him in the smarts and decency department. So it's good that William Jacobson smacked him upside the head a bit. And following the links there takes us to Da Tech Guy, "Yes E.D. Kain Wisconsin is the Republican Waterloo …":

…they are playing the role of Wellington.

Was it only 48 hours ago that liberals buoyed by polls and news reports were convinced that Scott Walker and the republicans were about to back down?

Now not even one day after they were proved spectacularly wrong the left has decided on a new meme to replace the old one that didn’t seem to work. Apparently now this vote is a case of political suicide for Republicans. E. D. Kain is convinced this will be their

And now conservatives have chosen public-sector workers and teachers as their hill to die on. They have followed the most radical voices in the party and the movement, and elected Scott Walker, Rick Scott, and various other Tea Party candidates. Heavily funded by big campaign donors like the Koch brothers and other corporate interests, the Republican party has made a concerted effort across the country to take on unions, public pensions, and social services for the poor.

It is to laugh. Apparently E. D. hasn’t figured out that the “interest” that public unions fight against is…”the public” that is the taxpayer.

Wow. These guys are just mopping up with this idiot.

That said, while some of the recent surveys have been badly skewed (from oversampling progressives and union members), the public has been pretty consistent in accepting collective bargaining rights while asserting that public workers should concede some givebacks on pay and benefits (see Gallup, "
Americans' Message to States: Cut, Don't Tax and Borrow"). A lot depends on the economy, since economic recovery over the long term will take some pressure off state benefits and give unions a leg to stand on in negotiations. But this year's budget cycle is bad all around the country, and astute GOP leaders can make this about the larger conservative agenda of restoring limited government (and basic dignity) to the people. Progressives have gone over the top and out of control this last few weeks --- they're like possessed demons --- because conservatives have leftists by jugular. It's life or death out there, and honestly, Scott Walker pounded a stake to the progressive heart in Madison. Here's to wishing good tidings on similar efforts around the statehouses. See also, "Anger brews over government workers' benefits."

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