Wednesday, April 8, 2009

The Gathering Storm: The National Organization for Marriage

Here's the new advertisment from the National Organization for Marriage, "The Gathering Storm":

April 8, 2009 (Trenton, NJ) -- Today the National Organization for Marriage is launching a nationwide Religious Liberty Ad Campaign designed to raise awareness of the religious liberty implications of same-sex marriage legislation.

Already, Boston Catholic Charities has been denied its adoption agency license because of their religious beliefs concerning marriage and the welfare of children. A New Jersey church group has been denied property tax exemption because they cannot in good conscience permit civil union ceremonies in church facilities. And individual service providers have been forced to choose between their faith and their profession. Religious liberty experts have said that these sorts of conflicts just scratch the surface of what we are likely to see if same-sex marriage becomes widespread.
The secularist media establishment is already attacking the ad campaign. The Hot Sheet has posted a screed entitled, "$1.5 Million Spent On Anti-Gay Marriage Ad." With less hysteria, Ben Smith at The Politico joins in with, "New campaign fights same-sex marriage."

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