Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Springtime for Nazis and Fiscal Conservatives?

Via Tax Day Tea Party, Chad Garrison at the Riverfront Times has published a despicable hit piece, "Nazis, Angry Tax Payers Can't Wait For April Rallies in St. Louis":

It's shaping up to be springtime for Hitler - and fiscal conservatives! - next month in downtown St. Louis.

As I
mentioned earlier this month, a group of "like-minded" folks upset with the Obama administration's stimulus plan are planning a downtown rally on Wednesday, April 15.
The piece then goes on to lump Sean Hannity, Newt Gingrich, and the American Family Association with the National Socialist Movement, who are demonstrating on April 18, three days after the national tea party protests. The National Socialists (Nazis) are marching to protest the Obama administration's program to eliminate "the White man."

Chad Garrison, obviously, there's no separating the tea party populists marching for limited government and the National Socialists marching for the master race.

No doubt David Neiwert would approve these smears.

Gird you loins, conservatives!

Hat Tip: The Right Side of Life.

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