Wednesday, April 1, 2009

A Tea Party Manifesto

There's tremendous promise for conservative and traditional Americans in the burgeoning tea party movement. The grassroots resistance to the Obamocratic bailout-welfare state is sowing the seeds for a conservative revival, and frankly, that's why leftists are so intent to delegitimize conservative activists who are taking to the streets saying, "Enough!"

Will Collier, however, says the movement's still inchoate - folks need a "
tea party manifesto" to focus populist anger into a specific program of limited government policymaking:

If the Tea Party movement is going to amount to anything more than people who wouldn't normally go to a protest protesting, it's going to have to come up with a consistent set of concrete (and realistic) goals, and clearly express those goals to the press and to the rest of the public.
Check the post for the full "manifesto," which includes a "moratorium on bailouts, whether for Wall Street bankers, General Motors, or the irresponsible guy down the street who "bought" too much house. 'Failures must be allowed to fail'."

See also:

Hoosier Army Mom, "Calling all Hoosiers!," a call to mobilization for "Nationwide Tea Party Day."

Little Miss Attila, "
And in California, Before April 15th . . . It’s Time for Tea," which features a list of dates and locations for Calfornia's tax-day tea party protests.
Hat Tip: Glenn Reynolds. Also at Memeorandum.

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