Saturday, April 11, 2009

Thousands Join Pittsburgh Tea Party Rally

I just had to share this beautiful picture from today's Pittsburgh Tea Party protest, via Glenn Reynolds and Memeorandum.


See also, the Pittsburgh Tribune-Review, "Several thousand jam North Shore for bailout 'tea party'."

On a related note, I'm not even going to link to the pathetic Jane Hamsher, who humiliated herself today at a "
New Way Forward" copycat protest in Washington, D.C. (see video here). All the relevant links to the debate are at Memeorandum. Media Matters, it's worth noting, is attacking Fox News with "damning" new details of the network's "sponsorship" of the nationwide Tea Parties. What's funny to me about this outrage from Media Matters is that we simply do not have a non-partisan, objective press in the Unites States any longer, if we ever did. Frankly, all the power to Fox for covering the Tea Parties, and to their celebrity hosts for endorsing them. If we have media bias, it's really no different from what you'll find at the New York Times and CNN/MSNBC any day of the year. We have a Democratic administration now in the White House enabled largely by a national media establishment that showed demonstrable negativity towards the GOP ticket throughout late-2008. If Fox News is helping the conservative movement with heavy coverage and partisan cheerleading, thank God for that.

Speaking of Fox News, see the website's online report, "
Organizers Give Recipes for Effective Tea Parties."

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