Saturday, April 4, 2009

Video of Taliban Flogging Girl in Pakistan

Here's the video of a 17-year-old girl being beaten by Pakistani Taliban for allegedly refusing to marry a local militant commander:

The Los Angeles Times reported on this today, "Video of Taliban flogging girl stirs anger in Pakistan":

Face down before a crowd, the teenage girl shrieks and writhes, begging for mercy. But the three masked men holding her down merely tighten their grip while a fourth man whips her again and again.

The video of a 17-year-old girl being publicly flogged by the Pakistani Taliban in the Swat Valley has galvanized the nation, drawing protests from human rights groups, denunciations from the central government and expressions of revulsion from many Pakistanis.

The video, shot with a cellphone, initially shows the girl, clad in an all-enveloping black burka, being held by men while another begins striking her. She can be heard shouting for help in the Pashto language, spoken by most people in Swat. She is then dragged to another location, held down and flogged. Several dozen people can be seen watching.

"For God's sake, please stop, stop it," the girl pleads as the whip falls. "I am dying."

Off-camera, another militant gives orders: "Hold her feet tightly. Lift her burka a bit."
The girl's screams are very disturbing, so please be warned if you watch the video.

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