Sunday, June 28, 2009

"You Better Watch Your Back"

Here's the first thing out of James "Barebacker" Webb's mouth when responding to reader Rusty Walker at my post, "Democratic Values! Left-Wing Alaska Operative 'Ghoulshops' Trig Palin!".

Rusty, you look younger than 63 in your picture.

James brags at the post that "I am well into my second bottle of wine..."

That's some bottled courage for you. Well, folks know what happens to young cocky suckers like James Webb. Recall Clint Eastwood in Gran Torino, "Get off my lawn." Chinese Kid: "You better watch your back":

This is how James Webb operates. Just an ass, totally. See also James' social toxicity in, "How Not to Get a Million Hits On Your Blog, And Not Score With Hotties. Ever."

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