Thursday, June 25, 2009

Palin Hits Back at 'Malicious' Photoshop of Son Trig

Via Riehl World View, CNN reports that Alaska Governor Sarah Palin has denounced Democratic blogger Linda Kellen Biegel, who posted a nasty Photoshop of Palin's son Trig to her website, Celtic Diva's Blue Oasis.

That's Ms. Biegel below, carbo-protein-loading for her next round of attacks on the Palins.
No Sheeples Here! has more information:

Dan Riehl, who features Biegel's Facebook photo to the right of an earlier post, adds this:
Apparently Linda Kellen Biegel thinks it funny to alter an image to portray Trig as her "humorous" version of what a child with Down's syndrome would look like.

At right is what Linda Kellen Biegel's un-altered picture looks like.

Need I say more?

She must be relying on PETA to protect her. But I doubt they'll want that face for one of those warm fuzzy billboards during "Hug an Animal" week.
See Memeorandum as well, for example, Sister Toldjah, "Yet Another Sterling Example of Liberal “Compassion”."

But see especially, Conservatives for Sarah Palin, "
Obsession Clouds Common Decency ."

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