Monday, June 22, 2009

Paleocons/Postmoderns Bash Democracy Promotion, Neocons

What does Patrick Buchanan have in common with Andrew Sullivan, Daniel Larison, E.D. Kain, and James Poulos? Perhaps a burning hatred of the "evil" neocons?

Here's Pat Buchanan on last weekend's Hardball:

Matthews: And that’s why you, Pat Buchanan, although you are a libertarian in many ways, you do not ... no, you’re a nationalist actually ... you are not what you like to call, derisively, a “democratist.”

Buchanan: No, I don’t believe there’s a great salvation in the political process at all. I believe in different, far different things. I mean I put democracy far down the line, in the ... I think a devoutly Christian, conservative, traditionalist country, even if it’s a monarchy, is fine with me.

Matthews: Your Franco is talking, Pat ... Franco is speaking even now.

Buchanan: He was better than the alternative.
Also, here's Pat Buchanan showing why the "paleo/post-modern conservatives" ("realist" Israel-bashers) are a disaster for America:

Yid With Lid has more, "Pat Buchanan Says Iran Protests Are Tools of Neocons and Israel":
How does a bigot like Pat Buchanan Stay on TV? The Racist, Holocaust revisionst anti-Semite made is claim on Morning Joe today, implying that Bibi Netanyahu and the neocons were helping the protests on Iran.
See also, "Andrew Sullivan: Update on Neocon Derangement."

Bonus: Riehl World View , "
Andy Please Phone Home."

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