Thursday, June 25, 2009

James Webb, Atheist Hypocrite, Loves teh Gays

James Webb, of Brain Rage, was creepily interested in my post last night, "Democratic Values! Left-Wing Alaska Operative 'Ghoulshops' Trig Palin!"

In his entry, "American Power and Trig Palin 'Ghoulshopping', James agrees radical Linda Biegel's Photoshop of Trig Palin was indeed "ghoulish." But then he attempts to walk it back because it wasn't really Trig. It was "just" the "evil" Eddie Burke:

Now while I wouldn't go so far as Don in saying that he's a grotesque ridicule of Down Syndrome I will say that he does indeed look a bit ghoulish ...

Hunh ... (gasping here, eyes bulging out of sockets) ... WTF!! It's ghoulish or it ain't! Help me out, yo!

Oh, you know what? It's not ghoulish if it's Palin's baby, because the Palins are Wasilla hillbillies and Eddie Burke's ... well, he's a "Homophobic, Red Shirt, Bible-Thumping Nazi, Gay Bashing, Tea-Bagging Racist, White Guy Bigot!

Okay, gotcha! That makes it a-okay!

Actually, full snark stop here for a second ... it's not okay!

Weasel Zippers nails it: "Something this vile, mean spirited and vitriolic is the sole property of the left..."

And Texas for Palin adds this, "Shocked? Don't be. These are Democrats. It's what they do. It's who they are."

Conservatives for Sarah Palin have been updating their original post all day, for example, this shocker! "
Dr. Chill: Liar, Liar; Now They're Claiming That We Made the Photo Ugly."

But that's just the typical dishonesty and hypocrisy you get from the radical leftists.

Another quick example is James Webb's policy of tracking hit pieces on American Power back to ... wait for it ... American Power!

That's right! Can you believe it?!! This freak, James Webb, writes a post hammering me as representing "
everyday stupidity of right-wing religious neoconservatives." And then he tracks-back, twice, like a MOFO LINK WHORE - FREAKING A!!

I am not even kidding! Dude! You can't make this sh** up! Check the track-back links,
here and here! It's like, yo, he thinks I'm a bro or something!

And guess what? What's so wierd about it is that, yeah, I'm like totally cool with folks leaving their hits in my comments section. I'm a link whore myself, frankly. No shame in it, IMHO, as long as everyone reciprocates.

BUT JAMES WEBB FLIPPED A WIG WHEN I DROPPED MY BLACK FLAG PUNK POST IN HIS COMMENTS A WHILE BACK -or some such bunk, who knows WTF is up with this guy's hysterics??!!

It turns out that James Webb sent me a whacked, totally pissed-off HOLY HELL INDIGNANT e-mail to show it:

I warned you once before Don when you shamelessly linked some post about your skateboarding youth on a completely unrelated comment thread at my site. I left that link up and made it clear that I would delete any future comments not at least tangentially relevant to their posts ...
Okay, okay, what was it? Maybe my post wasn't "tangentially related." It's not like I was trying to rip the guy a new one with, well, stuff like:

The term 'sore losers' seems a bit simplistic and trite to explain this apparent derangement and never ending persecution complex but at this point I can't think of any other rational explanation for this type of behavior.
Sheesh, that's what I get for trying to be a homie! Man, remind me never to try to drop off an old punk rock post at some WANNABE-HIP dude's freaking blog! Forget about, ah ... you know, trying to be, like, friendly!!

But wait!!

That's not all!

James Webb hearts him teh gays, but he doesn't like it one bit when you call him out on it! Remember my post on "
How to Get a Blogger Content Warning"? That's where you can find some gay homo-sex blogs by clicking through James's OUT Campaign link. Alexander the Gay's blog pops right up (but wait, don't go there ... unless you're looking to see James' phat-hung Asian dudes!).

It's like I told folks: "Shoot, if you need a happening online portal to teh well-hung gays, James Webb is your man!"

But, boy, did the dude flip his stack at that one! James was steaming hotter than a spooge-soaked hunk of throbbing gristle!!

(Oh yeah, snark's back on here, just in case anyone takes this too seriously.)

I'm surprised too! James is down with the homosexuals, so you wouldn't think he'd get so pissed about giving folks the heads up on his gay-supporting atheism. I mean, really, James is totally down on the e-mails to his bro Andrew Sullivan, and
the Atlantic's barebacker even links to James blog! Now that is inside baseball! Switch-hitting too!


Come out, come out, wherever you are!!

Just be careful dude! With the support of
Linda Biegel, James is practically getting over there into Trig-Truther territory! And even more importantly, you've got to look out for that AIDS-related dementia! Pretty soon, we'll have to get Christopher Badeaux to put up a huge bio-piece nailing down James' descent into anti-neocon (anti-Semitic) madness!

But hey, everything's cool, alright?

I'm not going to delete James' spam links in my comments section. Just as long as he stays the f*** back, okay? I like teh gays ... really, some of my best friends ... But frankly, I don't do the flip-floppy on the side!

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