Sunday, June 28, 2009

Wonkette Attacks Trig Palin as 'Cheap Prop', Links More Grotesque Photoshops!

As readers know, I've been blogging this issue at the micro level all weekend. I've even been attacked as a "madman" for pointing out the hypocrisy of radical leftists in their relentless smears and attacks on Sarah Palin and her son Trig.

Well it turns out, as William Jacobson reports, that Wonkette has hopped onto the double-barrelled attack-Trig bandwagon, with its vicious smear on the Palin family, "Sarah Palin Will Soon Condemn, Bomb Entire Internet."

As William
so clearly argues:
It really is hard to understand why some adults feel the need to make fun of Trig Palin, a one-year old who has Down Syndrome. Politics alone cannot explain it. If you don't like Sarah Palin, fine, but why go after Trig?
It's a good question: Why go after Trig? But not only that, why demonize conservatives for actually thinking that there are some realms of the personal that should be free from partisan battle. Didn't President Obama suggest during the campaign that "Palin's family should be off limits"? Well, not for Wonkette at least. Those folks just can't help attacking the Alaska Governor and her family:
The Virgin Palin, Our Lady of Eternal Anger, gave birth to the New Jesus at some point last year — or not, who knows, and now Andrew Sullivan just cares about Iran (which is a good thing!) so we’ll never find out the truth — and ever since it has been both a Cardinal/Venial Sin and Sharia Law that no mortal shall “desecrate” an image of the Sacred One … no one but Sarah Palin herself, because Allah both allows and encourages the use of the Holy Infant as a cheap political prop as long as such cruel hackery is performed by the Virgin Palin herself.

Palin’s fury was such, when she found out some blog “on the Internet” had combined a picture of her cradling one of her Magic Babies together with a picture of her Jedi Master, some
dingbat old radio talk-show clown in Alaska, that she did verily send her dumbest disciple, “Brother Meg,” to start a Jihad against the Entire Internet.
Notice the layered slurs herein. By linking approvingly to Andrew Sullivan, Wonkette gives full endorsement to the most crazed schemes of the left's Bush-Palin-Rovian-Islamist derangement. For Wonkette, Governor Palin, not unlike the Islamist barbarians in the Middle East, will be launching a terrorist "jihad" against her ideological opponents.

For added fun, Wonkette links to some
horrid web forums featuring Photoshops of Trig Palin even more despicable than I've already seen this weekend.


When does it stop? When do leftists say enough is enough? No more joking! Haha, we've had our fun and recrimination. Full. Stop. Now!

This is not a case of society looking at events through some "
poor retard blinders." Governor Palin was right to call out Alaska's Democrats for their malicious actions in attacking her family. As it is, this is pretty much par for the course on the secular collectivist left, as I've been saying all along.

See also, "Democratic Epic Moral Fail!" And The Rhetorican, "What Do Wonkette and Nazis Have in Common?"

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