Sunday, June 28, 2009

Iran Protesters Keep Hope Alive

From the Los Angeles Times, "In Iran, the protests have quieted, but the protesters are simmering":

The streets of Tehran are quiet once again. But the multitudes who protested the reelection of President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad haven't gone home and put their rage in a closet.

They are carefully weighing their options, balancing personal lives, economic well- being and political aspirations -- and trying to determine whether they have any real leadership.

Perhaps the anger will reignite on July 9, the 10th anniversary of a student uprising that prompted a campaign to crush reformist aspirations. Or the match may be lighted the next time authorities roll out the Guidance Patrol, which stops women on the streets for allowing too much hair to peep out from under their head scarves.

The government has shown that it's willing to pay a high price in blood and international isolation to maintain its hold on the direction of the country.

But what price are protesters and other citizens willing to pay? Are they ready to go underground, let dark roots overwhelm their blond highlights and shed petite mini-coats to hide tracts and underground newspapers beneath all-covering black chadors?
Read the whole thing, at the link.

See also, the New York Times, "In Tehran, a Mood of Melancholy Descends," via Memeorandum.

And, London Telegraph, "Iran dissident remembers the torture his comrades are now going through in Tehran."

Cartoon Credit: Americans for Limited Government, and William Warren.

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