Wednesday, December 16, 2009

E.D. Kain's Double-Standards: Claims of Libel Continue Amid Bleatings to Christian Ethics - Wallowing in Denial, Little Bully Refuses to Apologize!

E.D. Kain has confirmed that he contacted my department chair for a second time. See my post, "E.D. Kain Contacts Department Again: Intimidation Campaign Escalates; Fake 'Apology' Seals Moral Indictment Against True/Slant Blogger!."

Yet, predictably,
E.D. Kain denies the escalation of intimidation, pleads ignorance of his harassment, and offers bleating Christian guilt-mongering while groveling for me to leave him alone. Here's an excerpt:

That's not true at all. I contacted your department chair again this morning after reading your post saying that I had thought the email was confidential and that if he had wanted no part in this that he could have simply told me so and been done with it. I said nothing more on the issue of defemation or to shut you down. I apologized in the other comment thread for the initial email. The second email had nothing whatsoever to do with you, and only mentioned briefly that I had believed the emails to be confidential. That's it. So this whole notion of escalating intimidation is simply untrue.

My blogs are not forums for my apologies to you any more than your blog ought to be a forum to drag my name through the dirt. Once again, I'd ask you to find one single instance of my smearing your name and bring it forward. It hasn't happened.

Meanwhile you write awful, slanderous things about me on a fairly regular basis. As I am a writer, this amounts to basically bringing personal attacks into my business. I don't think that's either Christian or charitable in the least given that I have never once attacked you. Ever.
Well, to be clear, as I said before, ACTIONS SPEAK LOUDER THAN WORDS.

But let's go through this once more, hopefully for the last time:

At my earlier entry, "
E.D. Kain Alleges Defamation: True/Slant Blogger's Workplace Intimidation Attempts to Shut Down American Power!," I specifically demanded that E.D. Kain cease and desist from contacting my department colleagues. Yet he claims, "The second email had nothing whatsoever to do with you ..." No sir, it has everything to do with me. It's my place of employment, it's my department chair, and it's my responsbility to respond to this harassment campaign. E.D. Kain has no business contacting my place of employment. None. So once more, I demand of E.D. Kain to STOP THIS WORKPLACE HARASSMENT.

This is a de facto escalation. He is harassing my colleagues, and BLAMING THEM for HIS campaign of intimidation. Blame-shifting. Another spineless attribute to E.D. Kain, libel-blog-facilitator extradinaire. More on that below.

Alright, what about
E.D. Kain's public apology? I'm reissuing my demand for a published apology. Contacting my employer is a serious threat to freedom of speech. And it has also disrupted my life personally, bringing my colleagues into a matter that should have been handled in online debate between two reasonable men. E.D. Kain is not a victim here. He needs to take full responsiblity for his actions. Perhaps Andrew Sullivan's recent apology to Charles Krauthammer might serve as a template. If libel-blogger Andrew Sullivan can apologize at his blog, so can E.D. Kain:

And I want to note that I take special exception to this comment from E.D. Kain: "My blogs are not forums for my apologies to you any more than your blog ought to be a forum to drag my name through the dirt." No sir. It's just the opposite. Blogs are calling cards to professional reputation. I stand by what I write here. That E.D. Kain refuses to speak on these issues at his own "forums" substantiates E.D.'s premium on hush-hush secrecy -- it also reveals his rank hypocrisy, given that he's the blogosphere's top proliferator a slanders against Robert Stacy McCain, and conservatives generally. That is to say: NO ONE tells me what my blog is for, and hence E.D. Kain's double-standard: Mr. Yellow Belly has ignored the true dirt-dragging among his blogging allies, to wit: Charles Johnson's post last night, ""White Supremacist Blogger Robert Stacy McCain's Neo-Nazi Pal on Trial." That's right, notice not one word here from E.D. Kain in response to his accessory to the mud-dragging smears against Robert Stacy McCain at LGF. E.D. Kain's silence -- his refusal to speak out against the despicable actions of Charles Johnson -- constitutes endorsement of libel-blogging against conservatives. And recall, that's just perfect, because in E.D. Kain's own words, McCain, or myself, or any other conservative reading this blog are in need of "salvation." See, "Conservatives as Self-Parodies":

It just makes me throw my hands up in the air. I try too hard to retain the word “conservative” – to hold on to some other sense of its meaning, some other definition that the American right has no hold over ....

I’ve tried to come to terms with the idea that the movement can be changed for the better but I’m beginning to doubt myself even there. The invention of the modern Tea Party only reveals how deep the fraud runs.

In the end I’m just at a loss. I see less and less hope for the American right however much they bellow and bluster to the contrary. I don’t even mean this in terms of electoral hope. I mean this in terms of salvation.
And further, notice the total hypocrisy in this idea that blogs aren't forums to air personal debates. It turns out that Kain posted an attack on Dan Riehl that was apprently so brutal that he had to take down the most egregious smears:

Dan Riehl responded here:

So basically, it's a myth that E.D. Kain rejects personal debates in public forums. In fact, it's unlikely he would have retracted his attacks had it not been for his co-bloggers' revulsion at E.D. Kain's merciless vituperation. He tries to walk it back in a later comment thread, suggesting that his "personal feud" was indeed over the top. And pay attention to the section about the unnamed blogger who is "slandering" the League of Ordinary Gentlemen (emphasis added):
I just got the distinct impression that everyone was very uncomfortable with the post, that it was a direction nobody wanted to take the site, that it was the possible start of a feud that I had no right dragging the rest of the group into. I wrote it on a day I’d felt especially cantankerous. I wrote it largely out of anger toward not just the target of that post but toward another target who we’ve all agreed we would never actually mention or link to for various reasons (but primarily in the hopes that said blogger would stop slandering various members of the League) and I felt that it was not only unfair to the rest of the group but to the person I wrote the post about. Beyond that, I decided it was the wrong tone entirely for this blog.
Okay, two points here: One, clearly E.D. Kain has no problem with taking "feuds" public at the blog. But especially revealing is the earlier allegations of "slander," the highlighted section in bold. I'm virtually 100 percent sure that "the target of that post" is yours truly. And while I'm not asking for confirmation from E.D. Kain, I think the whole thing is powerful substantiation of E.D. Kain's pathologies. This is a man in deep denial, one who is perfectly willing to attack others at his blogs, but has kept totally mum with regards to the issues I've raised. To wit, E.D. Kain is a coward and intellectual mountebank. He's deeply ashamed of his past ties to neoconservatism, having done a scheming about face to climb the rungs of post-modern libel-blogging (with his mentors Andrew Sullivan and Charles Johnson).

And as we have seen, to cope with his shame and hypocrisy,
E.D. Kain has erected an elaborate psychological construct of avoidance, denial, and projection. Frankly, it's supremely infuriating to read E.D.'s comments blaming my department chair for not telling him that "he had wanted no part in this"! But these are the psychological pathologies of classic leftists. Indeed, checking Dr. Sanity's post, "STRATEGIES FOR DEALING WITH DENIAL - Part II : Logical Fallacies and Rhetorical Ploys Used in Denial," we can place E.D. Kain into a number of categories. Most striking, obviously, is "projection/denial." This whole exchange has been extremely frustrating simply for E.D. Kain's transparent evasion and denial of responsibility, capped with massive doses of "evasion/displacement," with smatterings of dishonest "smokescreens/rationalizations."

Also, important is the "minimizing/discounting" category. We see this twice in E.D. Kain, with his simplistic bleating of "un-Christian" behavior -- at the comments, where he tries to dismiss things, saying, "I don't think that's either Christian or charitable in the least given that I have never once attacked you. Ever." Well, no, actually. You've violated my trust, taken advantage for your own personal gain, and attacked tea partiers as needing "salvation" -- which of course, is an attack on me. And besides, none of E.D. Kain's arguments can justify a campaign of intimidation and harassment at my place of employment. God, that is just beyond the pale!

In short, it's time for E.D. Kain to grow up. And I reaffirm my demands:


But to reiterate as well:



Notice to Readers: Thank you for returning here again and again, and thanks for the support. Please accept my apologies for this unwanted diversion from regular blogging. But is has to be said: E.D. Kain's campaign of personal destruction is so serious that it cannot be avoided. Nothing I have written in all of this is untrue. Everything is documented and made public for the record. I will be commenting more generally on these conflicts in later posts. I especially want to revisit some of my earlier thoughts on anonymous blogging. Perhaps there's more benefits to anonymity or pseudonimity than I previoiusly acknowledged. Or, perhaps I'm just not as smart as those who have recognized that leftists cannot tolerate open debate, and they'll use any means necessary to stifle difference and shut down debate. It's pretty sad, but true. So more on that later.

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