Wednesday, December 16, 2009

If You Know What's Good For You, You'll Get Out of My Way...

Well, I'll post something a bit more warm and fuzzy later. This one certainly captures how I feel sometimes. L.A. punk rock at its best, circa 1981. This is Dez Cadena, Black Flag frontman before Henry Rollins came on the scene:

I'm about to have a nervous breakdown
My head really hurts
If I don't find a way out of here
I'm gonna go berserk cause
I'm crazy and I'm high
Head on my shoulders
It's going... Berserk!
I hear the same old talk talk talk
The same old lines
Don't do me that today
Yeah if you know what's good for you, you'll get out of my way
Cause, I'm crazy and I'm high
Head on my shoulders
Going... Berserk!
I won't apologize
For acting outta line
You see the way I am
You leave any time you can cause
I'm crazy and I'm high
Head on my shoulders
Going... Berserk!
Crazy! Crazy! Crazy! Crazy!
I don't care what you fuckin' do!
I don't care what you fuckin' say!
I'm so sick of everything
I just want to... Die!
After you listen to the live version above, take a few minutes with the studio clip featuring Keith Morris on vocals. Side "B" features "Wasted," perhaps the most brilliant punk anthem of the generation. (Morris later joined the Circle Jerks, also one of the defining bands of the early 1980s hardcore punk scene.)

RELATED: The Other McCain, "
A Friendly Note to James Wolcott," and the Sundries Shack, "I Keep Saying We Need to Bring Back Duelling. Or At Least the Punch in the Nose.

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