Thursday, March 4, 2010

'Feministing' Announces Solidarity with Radical Campus Protesters

Feministing, the hardline leftist blog founded by Jessica Valenti, has announced solidarity with the anarcho-communist protesters in California, "March 4 Day of Action: Healing the University of California":

March 4 will be a statewide success, with marches, protests, picket lines and strikes, rallies, sit-ins, occupations, legislative lobbying, and impressive action on the magnitude of K-12, community college, state university, and University of California involvement. We might wake up and see fire on the news. But just as the budget cuts, fee hikes, police brutality, and violent response to student occupations deteriorate the UC system, so do the racist, transphobic, and homophobic actions across the state. Chancellors will send out emails praising police actions, and these hateful incidents will be ignored for a day as administrative buildings are locked or shut down statewide.

But it's no coincidence that the students targeted by these hateful incidents, black students, LGBTQ students, and all underrepresented or minority students, are among those driven away from higher education by tuition increases. Tomorrow, the students on the front lines will be fighting not only for the right to step foot on a college campus, but to feel safe when we arrive. California students, staff, parents, and faculty will unite today for higher education, but we all have some healing to do first.
The sentiments at Feministing are virtually indistinguisable for those at International ANSWER or the anarcho-communist "Reoccupied."

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