Things are totally fired up on Capitol Hill! At the screencap is the National Republican Congressional Committee "Code Red Stop Obama/Pelosi":
And at Fox News, "Tea Partiers Rally on Capitol Hill in Opposition to Health Care Bill" (via Memeorandum); CNS News, "House Republicans Join Tea Party Rally and Promise to ‘Kill the Bill’"; and the Washington Post, "Protesters rally to 'Kill the bill'." Plus, Glenn Reynolds, "TEA PARTIERS RALLY ON CAPITOL HILL." And, Moderate in the Middle, "Tea Party Patriots on Capitol Hill."
And some video from CBS, "Video: Door Closed on Health Care Protesters," as well as, "A Big Week for Health Care Reform: What Could Happen Next?":
More at The Other McCain, "LIVE: People’s Surge vs. ObamaCare 2.0":
Also, John Boehner and Mitch McConnell, at the Wall Street Journal, "ObamaCare and the 'Buzzsaw' of Opposition."
RELATED: At Washington Wire, "WSJ/NBC News Poll: Throw ‘Em All Out."
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