Saturday, March 6, 2010

Mom Gets Contempt of Court for Taking Kids to Jury Duty

Now this is not right ... "Juror Penalized for Taking Kids to Court: Judge Held Mom Without Child Care in Contempt for Bringing Young Kids to Court":

But see the Detroit Free Press, "Judge's Move to Jail Juror is Criticized by State Court: Mom Had to Weigh Day Care, Civic Duty."

Sounds like a mean judge. That said, courts give potential jurors months to plan ahead. Maybe the mother, Carmela Khury, is an activist.

ADDED: Dana from Common Sense Political Thought, at the comments:
According to the story, she had day care planned, but it fell through at the last minute.

Sounds to me like the judge lacks judgement.
Not an activist, I guess ... ?

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