Monday, March 15, 2010

'The Pacific' Premiere

From last Friday's review, at LAT:
It was inevitable after the popular and critical success of their 2001 World War II miniseries "Band of Brothers," which told the story of the drive to conquer Hitler and Mussolini, that executive producers Tom Hanks and Steven Spielberg would return to finish the job. “The Pacific,” which tells the story of the war against Japan, is here -- it begins Sunday on HBO -- and is its forerunner's equal in emotive strength, weird poetry and technical bravura; it is also, if memory of the first series serves, an even more brutal and unnerving experience, appropriate to a war fought in tropical extremes against an enemy for whom surrender was not an option ...

Did you watch it last night? I don't think fans of Spielberg need to worry, despite Hanks' intemperate remarks the other day. The film might even be better than its predecessor, as LAT notes at the link above. And the soldiers at the film talk about killing those "slant-eyed Japs" so many times I doubt folks'll have to worry about extreme PC sensibilities. No one makes war movies like Steven Spielberg. I'm so grateful we have him out there keeping a record of what went down nearly 70 years ago.

I somehow wish HBO could have scheduled two hours every Sunday. The feel is that you're really just get warmed up with some action and then the credits roll ...

More on this next week.

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