Sunday, March 14, 2010

The Press No Longer Loves Obama? Well, No ... Still the 'Lightworker', Actually

It'd be tempting to take Howard Fineman seriously, given the president's epic fail. See, "Breaking Up Is Hard to Do: The press finally falls out of love with Obama." (Via Memeorandum.) The only problem? It's a false meme, perhaps designed to take pressure of the press itself for the years-long free-ride Obama's enjoyed.

Indeed, if the New York Times in fact remains the country's "unofficial newspaper of record," I'd say the reports of the death of the media's love affair with Obama
are premature:

You might say that NYT's still into the whole "lightworker" deal.

I noticed the "enlightened" image this morning, but Pamela didn't delay busting the Times' Obama-worshipers. See, "Oganda."

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