Friday, June 11, 2010

Emily Henochowicz, American Anti-Israel Activist, Is Left's Next Rachel Corrie

Here's yet another example of why independent citizen bloggers and journalists are more vital than ever before.

Emily Henochowicz, a young American student-turned activist, lost an eye during running battles with Israeli security forces in Jerusalem on Monday. In yesterday's Washington Post, columnist Robert McCartney martyrs Henochowicz as an innocent American-Jewish student attending college in Israel, who tragically gets caught up in events, "
U.S. student pays devastating physical price to protest Israel's actions":
Emily Henochowicz wasn't thinking about protests or Palestinians or tear gas canisters when she went to Israel in February for a one-semester college exchange program.

The 21-year-old art student from Montgomery County wanted to study animation, and Jerusalem's Bezalel Academy had a good program.

It was a plus to spend time in Israel. Henochowicz grew up in an observant Jewish household and had her bat mitzvah at Potomac's Har Shalom synagogue. Her father was born in Tel Aviv, and his parents are Polish Holocaust survivors.

But Henochowicz became critical of Israel in the spring, after accompanying a friend to a demonstration in East Jerusalem against the eviction of Palestinian families. Very quickly, she began participating regularly in protests against Israeli policies, especially the expansion of Jewish settlements on the West Bank.
She "accompanied a friend to a demonstration ..."

Like the keffiyeh-clad Intifada-style "friends" who are said to be carrying her away at the video (at 1:00 minute):

It turns out her "friends" are Palestinian cadres with the International Solidarity Movement (ISM). See, "US activist loses eye after being shot in face with tear gas canister." The International Solidarity Movement is a pro-terrorist group co-founded by Adam Shapiro, the lead organizer of the Gaza "Peace" Flotilla. According to Discover the Networks, ISM is a "Radical, anti-Israel organization that recruits westerners to travel to Israel to obstruct Israeli security operations," and the group "Justifies Palestinian terrorism against Israeli civilians." (And see Gerald Steinberg, "The War Against Israel: Terror, lies and slander are the main tools of the Leftist-Islamist alliance against the Jewish state.")

But hey, WaPo's Robert McCartney reassures us that "Henochowicz grew up in an observant Jewish household." She couldn't possibly be rabidly anti-Zionist, you know?

And that's not all. According to the article, Henochowicz "has become a minor celebrity and martyr among Palestinian supporters."

Boy, what a surprise!

Seriously, and with all due respect, too bad for the leftist-Islamists that useful Emily wasn't killed. The global media complex just loves U.S. martyrs like Rachel Corrie to help build condemnation of Israel as a rights-violating "apartheid regime." The Free Gaza Movement even named the next ship after the self-flattening anti-bulldozer activist.


It's called information warfare.

Thus, the communist CounterPunch is on the case, "While Israel Kills and Maims ... The Outrage at Helen Thomas."

But for lamestream columnists like Robert McCartney, all these folks are "non-violent" demonstrators, just like those "peace activists" with steel bars on the Hamas-backed Mavi Mara.

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