Friday, June 11, 2010

'Who's Nailin' Paylin?' and Other Hoped-For Newsweek Covers

No, that's not really the cover of this week's Newsweek. The editor's actually do a kinda bait-and-switch. On the one hand, you've got a supposedly respectable cover story, "Saint Sarah." It's written by the magazine's religion writer, Lisa Miller, a writer who doesn't actually know much about religion, apparently. And frankly, while Miller tries hard not to alienate the mainstream readers Newsweek no doubt needs to survive, she can't help writing a piece that essentially condescends and "otherizes" Palin as some kind of freakishly submissive "new model" feminist whose only genuine appeal to women voters is her "family, beauty-queen figure, and glossy hair." Not the kinda resume you'd expect from a former state governor and major party vice-presidential nominee. But hey, that's just for starters. On the other hand we have David Graham's companion piece at Newsweek, "Cult of Palin," which turns Sarah Palin's appeal into a commodity, with special emphasis on the cheapest, sleaziest dehumanizations found in the porny, sex-for-sale/left-wing progressive media industry:


And that's just Newsweek. You've also got the radical left-wing Jezebel's excoriation, "Sarah Palin, False Prophet":
... this idea that the Christian right has gained so much ground because liberals and feminists are out of touch with the "real America" is fiction, one of the lies they tell to carve a path through their thicket of contradictions. It's actually because charismatic people like Sarah Palin go out there and tell people whatever they want to hear without being bound by logic or facts. If they can inspire pure faith and loyalty, they can get people excited about the idea of a theocracy with liberty and justice for all, and a pro-woman patriarchy, and a unicorn in every pot. That doesn't make any of it real. It doesn't make Sarah Palin a feminist. And it doesn't make the left exclusive and intolerant and out of touch. It just makes people like Sarah Palin powerful enough to tell lies and have a substantial number of people believe them.
Okay, inspiring "faith and loyalty" with a bunch of lies? Not very specific as to the nature of those "lies," but this is coming from a publication going by the name of "Jezebel."

And how about Vanity Fair, "'Sarastopheles', 'Sarah Pagan', and Other Discarded Newsweek Covers"? Here you get Sarah Palin the demonic "
Mephistopheles" and a sort of naughty occultish medieval prostitute, or something. It can't ever just be a woman who blends traditional values and professionalism with respect for nation, family, and the protection of life. In our extremely progressive postmodern Democratic-feminist milieu, that kind of pragmatique is, well, evil. So leftists want to take it down. Destroy it. Kill it. Or whatever it takes to get the eminently superior Palin model out of the freakin' way.

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