Thursday, June 10, 2010

Photographic Evidence Debunks Sarah Palin Breast Implant Smear

Yeah, I posted on this already, but it's too good to resist. At JammieWearingFool, "Smoking Gun Evidence Palin Did Not Have Boob Job" and the Alaska Department of Military & Veterans Affairs:

Gov. Palin Visits Kuwait

CAMP BUEHRING, Kuwait (July 26, 2007)- During her recent visit to Kuwait , Gov. Sarah Palin accompanied 1st Lt. John Lombrano on a tour of facilities on a military base. Lombrano is commander of Bravo Company, 3rd Battalion, 297th Infantry, Alaska Army National Guard. Bravo Company provides security for the base. Lombrano lives in Anchorage, Alaska.


As Teri Hatcher "Sidra" might say (or Robert Stacy McCain), "They're real and they're spectacular..."

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