Thursday, June 10, 2010

Tina Brown Slams Women GOP Primary Winners as 'Blow to Feminism'

At Newsbusters, "Editor Tina Brown Slams Female GOP Primary Winners: These 'Wingnuts' Are a 'Blow to Feminism'" (via Memeorandum). But Cassy Fiano's on the case, "Fascist feminism strikes again: victorious conservative women are 'a blow to feminism'":

One would think that feminists would rejoice to see women victorious in political elections. But today’s feminism is not after equality; the movement has been hijacked by rabid fascist feminists. These new feminists require that, in order to be a “real” feminist, you have to walk in lock step with them, toe the fascist feminist line, and never disagree with them on a single issue. And their stance on every issue is always, of course, liberal. They want unlimited taxpayer-funded abortions available right up until the moment of birth, universal health care, universal day care, open borders, a weaker military, massive welfare systems, the government taking the place of fathers in families — basically anything you can think of to destroy western civilization.

More at
the link.

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