Saturday, June 6, 2009

Bloviating Zeppelin on D-Day, June 6th, 1944

I thought of Saving Private Ryan today. I thought twice about posting a video, for as powerful as that movie is, I wasn't sure if the cinematic version of history would be solemn enough on today's 65th commemoration of the Normandy invasion.

I changed my mind after reading Bloviating Zeppelin's powerful essay, "
D-Day, June 6th, 1944: WHY WE ARE FREE":

Our WWII veterans are almost entirely gone. My father, an 8th AF B-17 pilot, passed away on February 11th of this year at the age of 88. Where did we find such men? Ordinary, common men from every part of our nation, from the farmlands of Iowa to the cities of New York and Los Angeles? They all answered the call, willingly, courageously, unselfishly. They set their lives aside in order to do their part. Some made it back; some didn't. Some came back in pieces.

Who will sacrifice for our nation's future? Where will we find our future warriors?

I fear: I do not see so many.

I still say: God bless America. The last, best hope for the entire planet.
Check the whole post.

BZ quotes from President Roosevelt's prayer for our troops, June 6, 1944, and President Reagan's "the boys of Point du Hoc" speech, June 6, 1984.

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