Thursday, June 18, 2009

Did Boxer Call Him "General Walsh"?

Echidne titles her Barbara Boxer post, "Senator Cuntface," with reference to the alleged commentary at the YouTube thread (and checking it, we see this disgusting scatological misogyny: " I want to put my asshole over senator boxers vagina and fuck her with my shit until she cums buckets of lady pussy snot").

Fox News
has the full story, "Boxer, the U.S. Senator, Chides Brigadier General for Calling Her 'Ma'am' ":

No one deserves the slimeball hatred of the Internet comment threads, but General Walsh doesn't appear disrespectful toward Senator Boxer. And check out Andrew Malcolm:

Truth be told, even on Capitol Hill, Walsh has taken a few years of service to his country to earn those general stars too. But Boxer did not deign to call him general. Nor did she bother with a please. Of course, the general complied with the Democrat's wishes immediately without complaint.

I think all of my readers should call me Dr. Douglas. "It's just a thing. I worked so hard to get that title."

And NOT to be missed: Lindsay Beyerstein adds this flourish: "It's amusing to see insecure men howling in vicarious indignation over Sen. Boxer's mild dominance display."

Yeah. Right.

As Betsy Newmark might say, "Barbara Boxer: awfully full of herself."

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