Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Glenn Beck: "Witch Hunt Against Jews and Conservatives" (VIDEO)

This video's posted at Media Matters. Glenn Beck argues there's now a "witch hunt" against Jews and conservatives" in the current environment.

But check this from the comments at Media Matters:
-- The conservatives and the right-wing extremists are marching in lock-step.

-- ... the reaction from the Noise Machine proves that they are right-wing extremists and provocateurs of domestic terrorism. And should be investigated and prosecuted as such ...

Also, from the Huffington Post, "DHS Report Warned Against Anti-Semitic Violence."

But check the video: Beck says at the beginning of the segment: "This guy is a lone-gunman nutjob."

And don't forget, James Von Brunn "wasn't even right wing."

See also, Debbie Schlussel, "So What if Holocaust Museum Shooter is White Christian: We Know Who Crescented, er . . . Created This Atmosphere; 9/11 Truther," via Memeorandum.

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