Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Is NBC News Complicit in the Murder of Private Long?

Bill O'Reilly is being blamed for George Tiller's murder.

I'd say this is hard to believe, but that's what we get with a predominantly left-wing news media. On O'Reilly took on NBC in response to the allegations. Here's O'Reilly's "
Talking Points Memo" from last night. He asks, "Is NBC News complicit in the murder of Private Long?" Well, no: "Didn't NBC News incite Mr. Muhammed to kill the soldier?The answer is no... the killer is a loon. The media had nothing to do with it... that's the truth. However, Private Long's situation will not be heavily debated on NBC News, because they are not much interested in the truth." Watch the video:

It turns out that yesterday's New York Times jumped on the blame-O'Reilly bandwagon, "Doctor’s Killer Is Not Alone in the Blame, Some Say." And as I've already noted, Tiller's death is having the effect of emboldening those who want to kill more babies.

A strange world ...

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