Thursday, June 11, 2009

James von Brunn: Christian-Hating Socialist

Andy Ostrow, at the Huffington Post, capitalizing on the Holocaust Museum shooting, pretty much captures the emerging push on the left to silence conservative talk radio:

Perhaps law enforcement authorities should begin investigating the role conservative commentators like O'Reilly and Limbaugh play in the death of innocent people. Maybe then these despicable hate-mongering loudmouths will shut up once and for all.
Actually, we saw the virtually identical demonization of right-wing talk after the death of George Tiller. Here's Frank Schaeffer, also at Huffington Post:

The moron class of Americans who stocked up on guns and ammunition when President Obama was elected, because of fears that he would "take our guns away;" the willful fools to whom Glenn Beck is a hero, are the same population that -- right now - have their TV remotes set on Fox News 24/7. They are listening to Rush Limbaugh too as they rattle around in their pickup trucks driving to wherever they're practicing on targets but fantasizing about putting the president, or other people they hate, in their scope's cross hairs.
It happens every time: As soon as we have an attack by an alleded right-wing fanatic, the entire conservative movement is demonized as shock troops of the Third Reich.

It's insulting, actually. What's interesting, and as others have pointed out, is that James von Braun hated everyone. He mounted ugly anti-Semitic diatribes against the "evil" neocons, much like the left has done the last eight years. Naturally, that's kind of hard for our
nihilist antagonists to swallow, but it's true. Think about it while reading Ben Johnson's piece, "Holocaust Museum Shooter: Christian-Hating Socialist":

Never apt to let facts get in the way of slander, the Left immediately branded Von Brunn a conservative – and found a way to tie his actions to their favorite demons: President Bush and Fox News. Upon learning of the tragedy, Huffington Post blogger Michelle Kraus wrote simply, “Thank you very much Karl Rove and your minions.” Fellow HuffPo scribbler Joseph Palermo, – also, surprise, an Associate Professor of History at California State University-Sacramento – accused Fox News host Glenn Beck of “using the public airwaves to incite violence,” calling his program “a white reactionary tour de force – incendiary, stupid, and racist.” The usually more staid Alan Colmes smeared the mainstream conservative website, an attack quickly recycled by a reader, who added this sterling political analysis: “There isn't really a line drawn between the right wing ‘base’ and neo-Nazis any more. It's a single continuum, and freepers is right there in that gray area.”
Read the whole thing, the link and at Memeorandum. Johnson ays out Von Brunn's leftist ties as a Christian-hating socialist, than adds this:

The ideology of Von Brunn and his contemporaries does not comport in any way with conservatism. Yet the Left chose to exploit the death of a black man as a paraphrase of Rahm Emanuel’s dictum” they never let a tragedy go to waste. President Clinton blamed the Oklahoma City Bombing on Rush Limbaugh and Newt Gingrich; leftists hinted George Bush caused Sen. Paul Wellstone’s plane crash; Cindy Sheehan become a momentary folk hero by championing a cause her slain son opposed; and some managed to muffle their glee over President Reagan’s affliction with Alzheimer’s Disease just long enough to call for public funding of embryonic stem cell research.

One can expect no more decency when a self-proclaimed socialist murders a minority in cold blood in a shrine to one of collectivism’s most shameful accomplishments.

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